Future Dentistry

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Friday 1st November 2024 9th Annual Saving Kids Teeth Dental Conference BDA London
enquiries to: (PAST EVENT)

Professor Peter Mossey


Introducing his lecture on ‘Early intervention Orthodontics.’

Dr Zaki Kaanan

BDS(Lond), MSc, DipDSed, LFHom

Introducing his lecture on ‘Dental Implants, Past, Present and Future’

How the 2023 Conference unfolded

Our 8th Annual Conference which took place on the 1st November 2023

With over 48,000 children needing general anaesthetic for extractions due to severely decay teeth, The Dental Wellness Trust have been working on expanding their supervised toothbrushing programmes to make sure children are brushing their teeth in a school setting and developing our screening with fluoride placement in schools and outreach dental care to refugee's and evacuees.

The Conference:

Many children in the UK are suffering from Molar incisor hypomineralisation which effects around 1 in 8. The symptoms can range from hyper sensitivity, white spots to heavily decayed teeth due to weak enamel.

Our 8th annual conference focuses on MIH, the diagnosis, treatment and management.

8.30am - Registration Tea & Coffee

9.00am - Welcome and introduction from Linda Greenwall

9.15am - Keynote speaker - TBC

9.30am - Dr Katrin Bekes - Aetiology of MIH - Treating severely affected molars - crowns v's extractions

10.15am - Dr Linda Greenwall - Minimally invasive treatment options for MIH

11.00am - Trade stands, Break, Tea and Coffee

11.30am Dr Allison Ward - Safeguarding Children

12.15am - Professor David Manton - Remineralisation and Trauma for MIH

1.00pm - Lunch, Trade stands

2.00pm Sophia Houari - Endocrine disruptors as a cause of MIH

2.45pm - Dr Aylin Baysan - Silver Diamine Fluoride treatment for MIH

3.15 pm - Break and Trade Stands

3.45 pm - Dr Susanne Effenberger - Transillumination and Treatment of MIH

4.15 pm - TBC

5.00pm Conference closes

Dr Katrin Bekes introduces her lecture on restoration options for MIH effected teeth.

Dr Sandra White is our Key Note speaker for our Conference

Dr Sophia Hourai introduction to her endocrine disrupters lecture.

Dr Allison Ward introduction to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults lecture.

 Proudly Sponsored By:

Our Sponsors

SDI, DMG, GC, Ordolife, Optident and Henry Schein, Dental Monitoring

Make a donation


£10 a month can

buy 25 toothbrushes to give to children


£25 a month can

buy 28 toothpastes to give to children


£50 a month can

buy 140 soaps to use at LiveSmart clubs