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Talking Early Years: June O'Sullivan and Linda Greenwall

Talking Early Years

Listen to June O’Sullivan talk candidly with Dr Linda Greenwall – founder of the charity, Dental Wellness Trust about the urgent need for free supervised tooth brushing programmes to be implemented across Early Years settings and schools.According to the latest figures by the Local Government Association which show nearly 45,000 hospital operations were performed to remove children’s rotten teeth during 2018/19 as a result of tooth decay and high sugar diets – never has there been a more pert...

Tackling the #1 Child Health Issue and Giving Back to the Community with Linda Greenwall of Dental Wellness Trust

Good Done Well

The focus of this episode is on exploring a passion for dental hygiene and a profession turned giving back to the community at home and abroad while tackling the #1 child health issue. We are speaking with the Dental Wellness Trust out of the UK, understanding how it was set up, why it was set up and what big audacious impact goals Linda is aiming to achieve.

Happy New Year Newsletter 2024

Impact report UK:

Impact report Kenya:

Impact report South Africa:

Summer Newsletter 2023

Drive time show podcast 24-05-23 - Dentistry Crisis.

DWT Newsletter Winter 2021


Impact Report UK


Christmas Covid Charity Campaign


The Great toothbrush

packs take home project


Advice for the LiveSmart supervised tooth brushing programme during Coronavirus outbreak

Make sure all children wash their hands properly before brushing


Coming Soon…



Cost-effectiveness and efficacy of fluoride varnish for caries prevention in South African children: A cluster-randomized controlled community trial

Cost-effectiveness and efficacy of fluoride varnish for caries prevention in South African children: A cluster-randomized controlled community trial


People Magazine DWT July 2018


Spring/Summer 2020 Newsletter



The Dental Wellness Trust recently hosted a graduation party for some of the children participating in their LiveSmart oral education programme at Nyameko Primary School, Mfuleni, Cape Town.


DWT Newsletter summer 2020

Staying healthy during COVID-19

After being confined to crammed townships for many weeks and seeing their precarious livelihoods killed off by the restrictions, millions of people in South Africa are fearing hunger and facing worsening poverty as a result of Covid-19.


Take Care of YOUR 20 in 2020

Dental and oral hygiene is an area of great importance in Britain today. However, it is proven that dental pain caused by tooth decay is detrimental to school performance and that time off due to treatment and extractions is a major contributor to low school attendance figures!


Tooth decay among children

Interview with Dr Konvisor, trustee for the Dental Wellness Trust, about the worrisome state of children’s teeth in the UK, featured in

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UK chains are promoting unhealthy sugary snacks

Featured in Mirror about fast food chains selling a record number of doughnuts.


The healthy-smoothie lie

Featured in Daily Mail about the excessive amount of sugar in smoothies.


Call for government to introduce tooth brushing programmes

The Dental Wellness Trust is convinced that government-backed tooth brushing programmes could reduce tooth decay among children by 30%, featured in Nursery World.

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Interview with Dr Linda Greenwall

The woman behind the Dental Wellness Trust and her ambitious goals, featured in Nursery World.


Sugary snacks at cinemas are fuelling obesity among children

How cinema trips put children at risk of tooth decay, featured in The Sun.


Compulsory tooth brushing classes at nurseries, demanded by parents and teachers

Featured in about parents and teachers asking the government to introduce tooth brushing classes.

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The government is urged by the DWT to fund more tooth brushing programmes

Cases among children with severe dental decay are on the rise, featured in The Dentist.


The sugar tax is here to stay

Featured in Dental Review News about the success story of compulsory levy on fizzy drinks.


Dental Wellness Trust highlights saving potential for government, by introducing tooth brushing classes

Evidence shows that tooth brushing classes could save up £30 million, featured in Dental Review News.


Interview with Dr Konviser about dental health of UK children

Featured in Open Access Government about the devastating impact of poor oral health among children in the UK.


Iced coffees sold by big chains contain excessive amounts of sugar

The Dental Wellnes Trust is convinced that sugary drinks are one of the main contributors to UK’s oral health crisis, featured in Mirror Online.


Call to age-restrict sugary fizzy drinks

Featured in The Telegraph about an age-restriction on fizzy drinks in addition to sugar tax.

Axis Foundation Grant

DWT delivers the LiveSmart programme mainly in schools in areas of higher social deprivation in London.


Many UK parents neglect oral health of their children

Most teachers think that parents underestimate the importance of dental health, featured in Early Years Educator.